Frequently Asked Questions
You've got questions, well we've got answers. And matches, we have lots of matches at LFGdating.

Frequently Asked Questions.
1. How do I sign-up at LFGdating?
A: Just head on over to our registration page, and you'll have your LFG flag up in no time! You can also download the LFGdating app on iOS if you've got an iPhone, and if you're Android you can download the LFGdating Android gamer dating app right here.
2. Is LFGdating free?
A: LFG is free to create a profile, score daily matches, and even see which matches are nearby! What's even better: free users at LFG can also respond to emails from our premium members. In fact, they can email back and forth with premium members forever, or until said premium member's subscription is done, or you both fall in love, whichever comes first. Usually it's the latter.
3. Wait a minute, so LFGdating has a premium membership? How much does it cost, and why in the world should we pay for this?
A: Yes, LFG now features premium memberships, but they're dirt cheap and extremely valuable. For unlimited messaging capabilities and zero advertisements, you can purchase a one-month subscription for $15 per month, a three-month subscription for $35, or a yearly membership for only $75 (you can calculate the insane savings with each plan). As for your second question, the answer is simple: LFGdating is the only professional, 100% homemade gamer dating service on the Internet, and by offering this service at an extremely low-cost we are able to effectively eliminate spammers, as well as the dreadful fake profile. If you really enjoy those free dating sites where you get bombarded by Nigerian King / ransom money emails, well, we can't help you there. We think our service is top-notch, and our customer support is out of this world. We assure you will not be disappointed! Click here to create your profile!
4. How many users are registered at LFG?
A: Now that's a great question! LFG originally launched way back in February 2013, but we are still growing at a ridiculously fast rate, and now feature hundreds of THOUSANDS of single geeks and gamers searching for love. If you were expecting to us to say MILLIONS, then feel free to head over to "name your other run-of-the-mill-fake-dating-site" with 75% fake profiles and enjoy the "larger community" - we prefer reality to wasting everyone's time. Oh, and did we mention we have an iOS app and an Android app?
5. What does LFG stand for?
A: Looking For Group. In today's gamer society, the acronym LFG represents either a channel or venue for gamers to connect with other gamers, which made it the perfect name for a gamer dating site and app!
6. I forgot my password. How can I retrieve it?
A: Click the link "Forgot My Password" below the login on the front page. You will receive an email that will tell you what it is!
7. I want to change information in my profile. How do I change it?
A: Click the link "Edit Profile" located on the "My Profile" page. It may be found to the far right of the profile picture.
8. How does determine matches?
A: Our matching system was birthed from varying research methods and testing processes. While we cannot delve into specifics, we can say that the most important information used in finding your matches is derived from the information you give us.
9. Why is my profile unavailable?
A: Most likely your account is either frozen or suspended. This will happen when we have found a breach in either the Terms of Service or Acceptable Use policy. If you believe this to not be the case, contact us immediately.
10. How old must I be to sign up for an account?
A: 18. Legal reasons.
11. What does consider Acceptable Use?
A: Click here for the full rundown.
12. How do I add photos?
A: Click the "Add/Edit Pictures" link after you log in, which can be found on any page up in the main navigational menu Pics have a 2mb file size limit, and work best if they have short file names.
13. Does LFGdating have an iOS and Android apps?
A. Yes, yes we do! We launched the LFGdating iOS app in May 2019, and the LFGdating Android app arrived in the Google Play Store the following month in June - click here to download the LFGdating Android app! Oh, and don't forget that our website is fully responsive, so it will seamlessly adjust to your phone's web browser; so in other words, if you don't want another app, then just save as a bookmark on your phone's homescreen and you're good to go.
14. How much does the LFGdating iOS and Android app cost?
A. Our gamer dating app is always free to download on both iOS and Android.
15. How do I delete my account?
A. Once you log in, just look up in the top main menu for a delete profile/cancel account link. From there all it takes is a click of a button!
16. How do I know if my sent messages have been read?
A: If you visit the "Messages" link and click on the "Sent" tab, on the far right there will be an "N" for unread or "Y" for read messages in the "Read" Column.
17. How do I report a user?
A: On the bottom of every page there will be a link under the "Contact" section labeled "Report User." Click on that link and enter the relevant information. You will hear back from us as soon as possible.
Register Today
Signing up at LFG is quick, free and almost too easy. Create your profile and raise your LFG flag today!
Refer Friends to LFG
It's time to drag those single friends of yours off the couch, out of the bars and into LFG - refer them to LFG in seconds!
Meet the Founders
High school English teacher + Marine officer + awesome idea + private investors = LFGdating.