Remember being a kid and thinking you’d grow up to be a certain person? Are you that person?
Remember thinking you’d study that one topic in college? Did you?
Recent research shows that, and I paraphrase, your ideals don’t help you predict who you’ll romantically be with. Just more evidence that even though we think we may know something, we just don’t. And I bet that’s ok.
In fact, according to this research, people were about as bad as they were good at knowing who they wanted romantically. Which, when I think about it, makes sense. I started out my professional career with an English degree and more than a healthy dose of optimism about what that degree can do for me and my immediate future. After bouncing around management jobs that had virtually nothing to do with my degree, I became a teacher. Then I ran a small business. And now I work at a much larger company. And my degree absolutely helps me. But if at 22 I had to predict where I’d be, I wouldn’t say here at 42.

Why should love be any different? We think we know what we want, and we go look for that person. Sometimes we find what we want. But sometimes we meet someone who is wholly different than we imagine we’d fall for, and our it takes our collective brain a minute to understand what might be happening.
And this might not even be in real time. Someone can be doing something as simple as brushing their teeth when the realization hits that they wish that person was right next to them. Bam, revelation. It tracks. Weirdly but it tracks.

So when you login to next, and you view your matches, you may not want to be so quick to dismiss a match. One study leveraging AI shows that the singular most important factor in determining relationship success is purely how much you believe your partner is committed to the relationship. Don’t be so quick to shrug that off.lf
Sure, you want there to be attraction, and there’s no escaping that. And we encourage you not to dismiss someone that may lie more on the fringe of your normal pattern. Because recent research shows that you just may not be all that good at predicting who you’ll end up with!
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