Meeting new people isn’t easy, it’s seldom moderately possible, and a lot of the times its downright hard. Meeting someone meaningful is the real life version of RNG but with people.
We realized this as two younger men living in the suburban Chicago area. Sure, we could go the local bar (Govner’s which no longer exists to our dismay), or find people out and about while exercising, working, or generally trying not to be un-cool while shopping or roaming around. Aaaaaaaand then you get home, put your keys in the tray, sit on the couch, and think, “Well that was exciting” while booting up our 1,000th run of Goldeneye. On hard mode because c’mon.
So while riffing on what had to be a number of year 2006 items like Tosh.0 or Grandma’s Boy, Patrick and I began to realize there had to be another way to meet someone that gave us some agency other than in-person. If we can (stay with me here for a second) look for jobs online, look for housing online, then why can’t we look for people to date online?
Technically we could already. LFGdating was far from the first online dating service. And like most modern problems, we found ourselves weeding through endless pages of really cool people in their own right, who we had zero guarantee would want to meet and spend time with someone who gamed a lot. In fact, we both (without realizing it) were chatting with different women over various durations, and neither of us shared that we liked to game. That’s kind of messed up, right?
Today, I like to scream at the TV while I watch my Detroit Lions (I was born in Detroit but I welcome the bandwagoners!), enjoy an Irish whiskey, smoke a cigar, train for my next marathon, and nerd out to No Man’s Sky to relax at the end of the day. I’m happily married and my lovely wife supports all of this. If I were single, how would I not tell that person that I do these things?

Thus LFGdating was born as a concept in 2006, built in 2011 with the beta released in November 2011, iterated upon in 2012, with our paywall launched in February 2013. We’ve been going strong since now in 2025, and people have met and gotten married. Which, by the way, is the singular greatest resume builder. In a previous role, during my finalist interview, the much-decorated woman across the conference table asked me, “Tell me a time you’ve brought people together to make a large project come to life.” My reply? “I started a dating service that spans over 20 countries and people have met and married using”
I won that position. So when you login to LFGdating, you’re not just looking for someone to spend your time with. You’re being very smart about the kind of people you’re looking to share your life with.
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