You’ve taken the first two big steps to meeting someone meaningful: you’ve decided you want to meet someone, and you’ve chosen to come to to do it. We’re thrilled you’re here, and we want to help you make the best profile that will land you the responses to your messages, and hopefully even spur other people to reach out to you first.
These 5 steps will help you do just that. After logging in, they will help you make sure that your attention is pointed in the right areas, and they tell you where you should or shouldn’t spend your time. Because at the end of the day, you may make more or less money, but you will never get your time back. So let’s make this as quick and beneficial as possible.
1. Lead with honesty
Answer each question the way it was intended to be answered. If you’ve only been gaming for the past few years, say it. If you’ve gamed since your second trimester in the womb, say that. It might not matter to you if you meet someone who’s gamed for a while or not, but it could very much matter to someone else you’re trying to meet.
Same goes double for your profile picture. Upload one that represents what you look like and how you feel. If you’re not that chipper, then find a picture that highlights your good sides while you’re not smiling from ear to ear with upraised eyebrows.
2. Be humorous
Like Gwen shared in the AFI’s Top 100 Films of All Time’s Van Wilder, “Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out alive.” We’re a dating site/app – not a job application. You have the agency to be funny. Be a little funny. Or a lot funny. Who cares!? It’s your profile.

3. Complete all information
For realsies. Prior to meeting my lovely bride, I didn’t reach out to any woman who didn’t complete her profile. The way I see it, if she’s not going to invest the time to complete her profile, then I’m not certain she’ll take the time to learn about me. Table stakes, yo.
4. Upload a picture
Our data and analytics show that profiles with pictures garner as much as 9x the profile views than profiles without profile pictures. Profiles with pictures also, spoiler alert, engage via messaging a substantial amount more than profiles without pictures. You didn’t come all this way to not meet someone. By uploading a picture, you will be in the best position to meet someone.

5. Change your profile regularly
Don’t think your profile is getting the views you want? Change it up. Regularly updated profiles help you understand what plays well and what doesn’t. Just like marketing best practices call for A/B campaigns, take that same approach with your profile.
By implementing these 5 items into your profile, you’ll position yourself to have the best chance to meet someone meaningful. And that’s why you’re here! At least, that’s why we created this site so many years ago.
And yes – we get that Van Wilder is not an AFI top 100 film. But it was a banger back in the day. Write that down.
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