Tag: Grandma’s Boy

  • Why We Started An Online Dating Service Back In Like 2012

    Why We Started An Online Dating Service Back In Like 2012

    Meeting new people isn’t easy, it’s seldom moderately possible, and a lot of the times its downright hard. Meeting someone meaningful is the real life version of RNG but with people. We realized this as two younger men living in the suburban Chicago area. Sure, we could go the local bar (Govner’s which no longer […]

  • 2016 Year in Review: Web Development

    2016 Year in Review: Web Development

    Even though it feels like we were just down in Miami, FL, for Supercon 2016, somehow the calendar says it’s already December.  So as we’ve done just about every year since our beta launch back in 2012, let’s take a stroll back through 2016 to showcase some of the biggest web development projects we’ve knocked […]

  • New Feature: Premium Stealth Mode

    New Feature: Premium Stealth Mode

    Let’s face it, we’ve all wanted to be invisible at some point or another, but unlike JP from Grandma’s Boy we all likely realize that stealth technology is still quite a ways away.  On the Internet though anonymity is very possible, and when it comes to online dating, gamers now have that cloaking power at […]

  • 5 Video Game Stereotypes Debunked

    5 Video Game Stereotypes Debunked

    Our primary reason for creating LFG Dating was to crush video gamer stereotypes forever; gamers are looking for love just like any other niche, and we wanted to put an end to the jokes, spam, and bots to bring the gaming industry a gamer dating site that is built on something that has been sorely […]