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Her Campus: Tips for Dating a Gamer

Dating a gamer – uh oh, right?  Wrong.  The ladies/Collegiettes™ behind the mega-popular published a refreshingly positive article on Tips for Dating a Gamer last month, and they deserve some recognition.  Squashing that stereotype is our number one mission here at LFG Dating, and we hope this piece is one of many to come; not necessarily from HerCampus, but from the media as a whole.  The second paragraph really says it all:

“Gamer guys tend to get a bad rap–they can be seen as competitive, geeky, anti-social, even a little out of touch with the real world. But don’t let that scare you off–gamers can make the best boyfriends, as I came to realize. You just have to know how to push their right buttons.”

Want our best tip for dating a gamer?  Start right here at LFG Dating, where everyone is a gamer, and where you won’t get any weird looks.   Big applause for HerCampus for the eye-opening editorial!