Gamer Dating Blog |

February Feature: Quick Match Communication Launch

PHEW we barely got this one out in time. Thankfully it’s leap year, so we are still on track for a new feature a month at LFGdating.

This feature is a little more behind the scenes than out on stage. We’re adding the ability to reach out to members in a new match meets certain a certain criterion with other people match preference. Essentially, when someone new creates a profile and in doing so becomes a great match for someone nearby, we can more intuitively get that information out more quickly than ever before.

So, definitely more behind the scenes, but it will benefit our members by delivering matches more quickly than before. And with our January feature release, thats a strong one-two punch. Mike Tyson Punch-out style.

Now that I’m typing this I realize we may need a more snazzy name for this feature. Suffice to say for now – we’re better able to serve our members. That’s a big win!