Category: World of Warcraft

  • New Old Game Review: Darkrise

    New Old Game Review: Darkrise

    I’m a sucker for side scrolling retro games. Hook, line, and pixelated sinker. So while I was burning 10 minutes the other day I went to ChatGPT and asked it what game I should play. My prompt included phrases like, “Recommend something that doesn’t suck” and “It’s ok if it’s an older game I just […]

  • March Madness for Gamers

    March Madness for Gamers

    We view March Madness like we view exclusive titles coming out for consoles we don’t play: we only peripherally pay attention. Well, most of us. I’m in the minority here as I’m a basketball junky and unabashedly into March Madness. I mean, c’mon, even the moniker is catchy. St. Louis hosts a Regional setting called […]

  • Gamer’s Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle

    Gamer’s Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle

    Treadmill. Elliptical. Weights. Sounds like a lot of work. You may prefer grinding levels on your new new WoW Classic toon, even without the double XP bonus. We hear you. Alas, exercising is crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And even though the thought of sweating is enough to stop you in your tracks, we […]

  • Public Service Announcement: Price Changes

    Public Service Announcement: Price Changes

    Attention all you LFGdating members and peeps without accounts (and Leeroy Jenkins too) – we have some news we want to share with you regarding our premium subscription plans. For the first time, well, really ever, our plan rates are increasing on Sunday, January 5. We need to increase rates so that our entire staff […]

  • Battle for Azeroth First Impressions

    Battle for Azeroth First Impressions

    World of Warcraft’s newest expansion: Battle for Azeroth, is a breath of fresh gaming air. The last expansion, Legion, was fun albeit visually repetitive at the end. Seriously – can we get some blue sky for the Love of Elune? Argus doubled down on the scorched-earth-and-black-sky motif that ran roughshod over the rest of the graphics. We’re now […]

  • Classic WoW and the Art of Exploration

    Classic WoW and the Art of Exploration

    Vanilla World of Warcraft (or Classic to be know from here-forth), still brings back sweet memories and haunting boss drops. Whether played for fun or as a lifestyle, the first iteration of WoW changed the culture of online gaming forever. I remember stopping at Best Buy off of Route 43 somewhere between Lake Geneva and […]

  • “Are You On Twitch?” Yes. Yes We Are.

    “Are You On Twitch?” Yes. Yes We Are.

    Twitch has become so ingrained in gaming these days that it’s hard to have a conversation with someone new and not bring up Twitch. It is a part of my daily rotation as I transition from the work day to my free time. LFGdating has a Twitch account. While we’re not streaming (yet) or planning […]

  • So Idris Elba is a Badass, Isn’t He? Or Why We Can’t Wait to See The Dark Tower

    So Idris Elba is a Badass, Isn’t He? Or Why We Can’t Wait to See The Dark Tower

    Have you ever watched Luther? Idris Elba takes crazy/genius to a new level. Like this scene when after he gets done winning Russian roulette, he punches the guy in the face by channeling his inner Mike Tyson. Just listen to the crunch when his punches land. Now it’s his turn to act as Roland, the Gunslinger with […]

  • Looking for Group? Welcome to LFGdating

    Looking for Group? Welcome to LFGdating

    When Casey and I are out and about in IRL and LFGdating comes up, our non-gamer friends and folks we meet sometimes raise an eyebrow with our iconic brand: “LFG? What’s that?”  While the gaming community has known what LFG means since the spawn of MMORPG’s, it further confounds our listener when we tell them […]

  • What to expect from LFGdating in 2017

    What to expect from LFGdating in 2017

    2016 was a banner year at LFGdating. We broke more records than a bull in a vinyl shop, and 2017 is going to be even better. Think of it this way: someone tonight will put his or her head to the pillow and fall asleep knowing that they are in a meaningful relationship with someone they met […]