Category: Video Games

  • Games We Love: Clash Royale

    Games We Love: Clash Royale

    Clash Royale spun off of Clash of Clans like Frasier spun off of Cheers. Granted, Clash Royale doesn’t feature a Kelsey Grammar where he psychoanalyzes your opponent to death. Although the graphic of a crazy, cartoonish Kelsey grammar a la Yuri from Red Alert 3 does come to mind. First off, it’s a fun game […]

  • Florida Supercon, Here We Come!

    Florida Supercon, Here We Come!

    Supercon. That’s the name of it. It’s not ironic. It’s spot on. It’s Supercon! This July, LFGdating will have a booth at the Florida Supercon. Last year, over 51,000 people attended South Beach’s finest comicon, and we’re looking to surpass that number this year. We can’t wait to meet all the lovely folks down in […]

  • How Much Does a Twitch Streamer Make?

    How Much Does a Twitch Streamer Make?

    Ah yes, the grand old question that every gamer wonders, because it would undoubtedly be the best job on the planet: how much does a Twitch streamer really make?  Just recently I came across a very intriguing blog post from Daniel Fenner, an Australian gamer who not only answered that question, but did it with […]

  • If Twitch Was Big in My Day

    If Twitch Was Big in My Day

    This post makes me feel super old, but that feeling may also be a result of forgetting to take my Centrum Silver this morning.  Dag-nab-it, okay, so I’m not that old (Level 32), but I will say this: whenever I tune in to, it makes me feel like a kid again.  Which made me think: what […]

  • Chicago’s Emporium Arcade Bar = Apex of Awesomeness

    Chicago’s Emporium Arcade Bar = Apex of Awesomeness

    Chicago’s Emporium Arcade Bar is everything you want it to be (and probably even more too). 12-year-old me spent his time playing NBA Jam, Contra and Mortal Kombat, Now at 32 years old, I spent last night playing NBA Jam, Contra and Mortal Kombat, but this time, I had a really good craft beer in my hand. What’s the difference […]

  • Interstellar, Relativity, and a Mass Effect 4 Wish

    Interstellar, Relativity, and a Mass Effect 4 Wish

    I’m not a theoretical physicist, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.  I did however recently watch Interstellar (finally), and much like Doc Brown’s flux capacitor moment (sans the epic porcelain concussion), the gamer in me suddenly became overwhelmed with an idea: combining the theory of relativity with Mass Effect 4. BioWare, […]

  • Games We Love: Boom Beach

    Games We Love: Boom Beach

    Following on the heels of Clash of Clans, Boom Beach is emerging as Supercell’s next big game. The marketing is there. “That’s some good attacking, Johnson.” Naturally, Johnson is a pile of ash after the attack, but hey, A for effort. If you’re a Clash of Clans fan, as I am, you may notice that Boom […]

  • Dude Wins Mike Tyson’s Punch Out Blindfolded

    As a thirty one year old gamer who grew up with the NES and the ridiculously difficult Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, this speed run video was absofriggenlutely captivating.  For those of you have never played this game, you don’t quite realize just how brutal the ring got once you got towards the end of the […]

  • What to Buy your Gamer Boyfriend for Christmas 2014

    What to Buy your Gamer Boyfriend for Christmas 2014

    Even though stores and towns are pushing the decorations and music earlier and earlier every year, Christmas still tends to surprise the heck out of most of us come I don’t know – December 23rd.  With just hours until Santa, Father Christmas, or the portly guy in red comes barreling down your chimney, you frantically […]

  • Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas for Gamers

    Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas for Gamers

    I’m just going to go ahead and toss this assumption out there: you probably don’t have your Halloween costume yet, do you?  Of course not!  Us last-minute folks like to live life on the edge; it’s more fun that way, isn’t it?  Actually, I’m going to lie: I already have my costume, but this is […]