Category: Relationships
Great First Date Idea for Gamers
First dates are first impressions. You want to put your best foot forward, and you want it to go well. But how do you break the awkward ice on a first date? Creativity always helps when it comes to first dates, and now bringing your iPad may be a great way for gamers to not […]
Online Gaming: Level Up your Relationship
No, this is not an infomercial. How do I know? I know because Men’s Health is not a fake men’s magazine, and Brigham Young University is not some random community tech college. What makes this great article about online gaming together awesome though is the fact that it is completely honest, and not “gaming is the […]
The Greatest Video Game Couples
It’s Friday at least over here in the Western hemisphere, so it’s time to kick back a little and get ready to enjoy your weekend! While it may be nowhere near Valentine’s Day, we don’t care here at LFG Dating’s official Gamer Dating Blog, since anything entertaining, and/or gamer dating related is fair game! […]
Long Distance Relationship Tips for Gamers
When it comes to long distance relationships, gamers have a distinct advantage since they arguably do them more than anyone else. While any relationship is tough, regardless of the distance, those that span dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of miles tend to make even the smallest issues that much larger. So what makes video gamers […]
World of Warcraft vs Online Dating Sites
A few months ago an eyebrow-raising article/infographic surfaced that has ridden the Internet gaming/online dating waves that claims World of Warcraft is a better venue to meet your match than online dating websites. This infamous infographic, which can be found here, pits the World of Warcraft community against that of The problem however lies […]
10 Reasons Dating a Gamer Rocks
The fine, healthy gamer-folk over at released a refreshing article last Fall that all of the gamer dating skeptics should read. While top lists have been a little overdone on the Internet these days, GFN’s article on why you should date a gamer really shows creative thought and honesty, rather than a straight copy […]