Category: Relationships
Gamer’s Girlfriend Breaks iPad, but Gives Great Advice
Relationships are far from easy – I think we all know and fully understand that. They require sincere commitments from both parties, and they also demand compromises. While this intense video of a gamer’s girlfriend obliterating his $500 iPad illustrates just how hard compromising can be, I think the most important takeaway is that this […]
Find Love This Summer with LFG
While the 21st of June has long been the official kick off to everyone’s favorite season, the true start date for summer ultimately depends on who you ask. Ask a college student, and they’ll pretty much just tell you the date of their last final exam; ask a 9-5’er who hates his/her job, and they’ll […]
Dating Advice from The Last Man on Earth
If you’re scratching your dome after reading this article title, then I think it’s safe to assume you have not discovered television’s best new show, The Last Man on Earth, which airs on Fox, and was recently renewed for a second glorious season. If you’re one of those folks, then the question is fair and […]
Now Casting: Online Couples
LFGdating has partnered with an emerging LA-based casting company to bring you an exclusive opportunity – the chance to meet your significant other in real life! Online relationships are the norm these days, and not every couple has the chance to meet in person early on. Well, now’s your chance. Apply today to seize the […]
Now Casting Gamers!
Do you spend countless hours gaming at home or at work? Have you met someone special on the other end of the game? As long as you have never met face to face, we would love to hear your story! This show is for a new kind of relationship – one that starts and thrives […]
Funny Valentine’s Day Cards for Gamers
My fellow gamers, we are now only 27 days away from Valentine’s Day 2015. If you’ve got everything in place already, high five; if you don’t, well, I wouldn’t recommend waiting much longer, especially when it comes to nabbing a restaurant reservation, unless your date likes eating dinner at 10:30pm. Nevertheless, we here at the […]
What to Buy your Gamer Boyfriend for Christmas 2014
Even though stores and towns are pushing the decorations and music earlier and earlier every year, Christmas still tends to surprise the heck out of most of us come I don’t know – December 23rd. With just hours until Santa, Father Christmas, or the portly guy in red comes barreling down your chimney, you frantically […]
Valentine’s Day Is Four Months Away, Gamers!
As a guy – excuse me, now married guy – I have experienced my fair share of lonely Valentine’s Days in years past. I also have had years where I had completely forgotten about Valentine’s Day, only to scramble like a mad man in an attempt to find a last second dinner reservation and thoughtful […]
Online Dating and Honesty: Too Soon for Some Folks?
Online dating has been around now for ages, at least in terms of this wonderful place we call the Internet. While online dating surfaced in the late 90’s, it didn’t generally go mainstream until the early to mid 2000’s, mainly because of the sketchiness/uncertainty that came along with the idea of online dating in general. […]