Category: LFGdating
Try Not to Have Expectations on a First Date
Expectations on a first date need to be monitored closely. If someone goes on a first date expecting the world from the other person, that date is probably not going to go well. Likewise, if someone expects the date to be terrible, odds are that person’s thoughts and attitude may be negatively affecting the date. […]
Stranger Things: The Game is Fantasmagistical
Stranger Things: The Game is quite possibly the best way to start your weekend morning. Here I am, sitting on the couch next to my mother-in-law, killing time before my wife comes home from her workout. Coffee in hand and pup laying next to me, I open Reddit. Bam – front page post on Stranger […]
How to Spot a Fake Profile on a Dating Site
Fake profiles, are the ultimate bane of any dating site that is worth it. Sure, some dating sites create their own fake profiles, none more recently caught than Ashley Madison. Red flags abound in fake profiles: stock photos, incoherent text, and complete lack of text, among others. Sometimes people creating fake profiles are able to […]
3 Easy Tips on How to Write a First Message
Sending a first message to someone on a dating site is no easy task. What should I write? How do I write it? What’s important? These are all good questions. First messages are as important as your profile picture when it comes to meeting someone new. If the reader hasn’t seen your profile picture yet, […]
The Greater the Risk, the Greater the Reward with Online Dating
Insert cliche here. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You only get what you give. People in glass houses sink ships. Online dating is no different. Sure, you can create profiles on tons of dating sites and hope you meet someone. But odds are that whoever is on that many different dating sites is on all of them […]
“Are You On Twitch?” Yes. Yes We Are.
Twitch has become so ingrained in gaming these days that it’s hard to have a conversation with someone new and not bring up Twitch. It is a part of my daily rotation as I transition from the work day to my free time. LFGdating has a Twitch account. While we’re not streaming (yet) or planning […]
Welcome Kits are Out! LFGdating Swag is on the Way to Twitch Streamers.
LFGdating keeps growing and growing. We’re not sponsoring awesome people who stream on Twitch. It was high time we sent them some fun gear!
How to Become an LFGdating Sponsored Twitch Streamer
Twitch is quite possibly one of the greatest things to happen to gaming since Nintendo came out with it’s titular console. What was once a novelty website has become a massive underpin for gaming culture. Over the past several months, LFGdating has the extreme fortune of sponsoring four Twitch streamers. All of our sponsored share similar traits, […]