Category: Geek Dating

  • Find Your Player 2 – LFGdating Commercial Released!

    We couldn’t be happier to release our first wave of commercials. If you’re already an member, you know how hard we work to not only bring you as many quality matches as possible, but we work to make sure that you’re surrounded by geeks and gamers that share your passions. This commercial focuses on […]

  • When To Take Your Conversation To Your Own Email (Or Phone!)

    When To Take Your Conversation To Your Own Email (Or Phone!)

    Excitement of online dating may be found in many places, but none more so than taking a conversation to your own email. When you meet someone online that you are excited enough about to trust with your personal information (that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?), you’ve hit the jackpot. Actually, you’ve accomplished what you’ve […]

  • These Scripts Keep Getting Better

    These Scripts Keep Getting Better

    We’re filming a commercial this Saturday, and we couldn’t be happier. What we thought would be nerve-wracking and infinitely tough became one of our most fun projects yet: writing a script for our first ever commercial. The first one was good. We laughed a little bit. Then we saw an opening into something greater. The […]

  • What to Say When You Don’t Know What to Say

    What to Say When You Don’t Know What to Say

    Initiating a conversation online may cause severe writer’s block. One of the boons of meeting someone in person is that you’re forced to work through the awkwardness pretty quickly. But online? It’s so incredibly easy to stare at your screen (or their picture…) and freeze up. What do you say? I won’t give you three easy steps […]

  • LFGdating: Modern (Mobile) Gamer Dating

    LFGdating: Modern (Mobile) Gamer Dating

    Here at LFGdating our middle name should be Responsive.  Whether it’s our out of this world customer service straight from the founders, or our sleek, modern, and 100% responsive HTML5 web design, Casey and I are honestly considering dropping Thomas and Evan (I’ll let you figure out who’s is who’s) and plugging in Responsive.  Okay, so […]

  • Gamer’s Girlfriend Breaks iPad, but Gives Great Advice

    Relationships are far from easy – I think we all know and fully understand that.  They require sincere commitments from both parties, and they also demand compromises. While this intense video of a gamer’s girlfriend obliterating his $500 iPad illustrates just how hard compromising can be, I think the most important takeaway is that this […]

  • Find Love This Summer with LFG

    Find Love This Summer with LFG

    While the 21st of June has long been the official kick off to everyone’s favorite season, the true start date for summer ultimately depends on who you ask.  Ask a college student, and they’ll pretty much just tell you the date of their last final exam; ask a 9-5’er who hates his/her job, and they’ll […]

  • Scientific American’s “The Science of Online Dating”

    Scientific American’s “The Science of Online Dating”

    Looks like the embed code wasn’t working, but the video will play at Scientific American. What you will learn: 1. How the science of online dating can improve your odds are finding a meaningful match. 2. Tips on creating a successful profile. 3. What types of photos to upload. And much more! It’s less than two minutes […]

  • Now Casting: Online Couples

    Now Casting: Online Couples

    LFGdating has partnered with an emerging LA-based casting company to bring you an exclusive opportunity – the chance to meet your significant other in real life! Online relationships are the norm these days, and not every couple has the chance to meet in person early on. Well, now’s your chance. Apply today to seize the […]

  • Now Casting Gamers!

    Now Casting Gamers!

    Do you spend countless hours gaming at home or at work? Have you met someone special on the other end of the game? As long as you have never met face to face, we would love to hear your story! This show is for a new kind of relationship – one that starts and thrives […]