Category: First Dates

  • Drink your Drink: Knowledge is greater than submission

    Drink your Drink: Knowledge is greater than submission

    We live in a time where lack of knowledge is tantamount to laziness. We may no longer fly under the radar uninformed on major aspects of our lives. It’s ok to not know that Gaspar Noé’s film Irreversible contains a french nightclub’s underbelly fight scene that directly influenced Nicolas Winding Refn’s film Drive, starring Ryan Gosling, in […]

  • Stella’s: Video Games and Burgers

    Stella’s: Video Games and Burgers

    Where’s all my Michigander’s at?  I can tell you’re from Michigan because when you held your hand up, you pointed at the spot on your dirty palm denoting where you grew up; for those of you not from Michigan, if you hold your palm up the shape technically looks like the lower half of the fine, […]

  • Gamers: What to Wear on a First Date

    Gamers: What to Wear on a First Date

    Esquire has been around the block a few times.  If you’ve got a first date coming up that you’re pumped about (I would hope you would be excited; if not, why are you going?), then choosing what to wear can be an issue.  Us guys usually have a handful of go-to shirts, usually of the […]

  • Fall Date Ideas for Gamers

    Fall Date Ideas for Gamers

    With the imminent arrival of Fall comes beautiful colors, cooler temperatures, and lots of new creative date ideas for gamers.  While beach days at the lake may not be as good of an idea this time of year, all it takes is a little creativity and prep and you can sip hot chocolate on the […]

  • How Soon to Call Her?

    How Soon to Call Her?

    Every guy has asked this question, and likely heard a different answer every time.  So how soon should you call her?  The next day. That’s it. I don’t care if it’s after your first date, or you met her at a bar last night – call her the next day.  Don’t call her the same […]

  • 5 Creative First Date Ideas on a Budget

    5 Creative First Date Ideas on a Budget

    First dates are first impressions, and good first date ideas are extremely hard to come by (unless you own an iPad).  Dropping an entire paycheck is also not necessarily the best idea if you really want to impress, as creativity and thoughtfulness tend to carry a lot more weight.  There’s also the fact that most […]